Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Selection-Vincent Hawkins

Vincent Hawkins 2011 painting and collage
 I am so drawn to these paintings and collage works by London painter Vincent Hawkins. The collage/assemblage pieces on cardboard have a playfulness and surprise to them. I love the under-painting of the works on canvas.  Please visit Vincent's blog to see more, he updates on a regular basis.
Have a wonderful Sunday~
Vincent Hawkins 2011acrylic on canvas

Vincent Hawkins 2011 acrylic on cardboard

Vincent Hawkins 2011acrylic and watercolor on paper

Vincent Hawkins 2011

Vincent Hawkins 2011acrylic on canvas
Vincent Hawkins 2011 acrylic on cardboard
Vincent Hawkins 2011acrylic on cardboard


  1. Nicely done! Vincent is one of my favorites right now. He is truly exploring the boundaries of painting.

  2. I'm so glad to see this here. I love Vincent's work! I can't see enough of it.

  3. Wonderful to see your post and comments. I'm a huge fan of Vincent's work. He is very worthy of the attention.

  4. Thanks everyone for commenting on Vincent's work and checking out the blog.
    Mary-so well put...he is exploring the boundaries of painting. They also tie into the works on canvas so well.


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