Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Selection-Gwyneth Leech

Hyerpgraphia from the very point of the Prow.
The installation is changing and growing 
a new cup drawings five days a week.

 Gwyneth Leech is creating a stir at the Flatiron Prow Art Space.  The show "Hypergraphia" runs 24 hrs a day until Dec 31st. It is located at the Flatiron at 23rd St where Broadway and 5th Ave cross. Check out Gwyneth's blog to see more and watch her journey adding to this installation. Gwyneth  is there 5 days a week working in the space the duration of the show-talk about dedication and hard work! For more information about acquiring her cups go to I think they are visually fascinating.

Gweyneth Leech Sea Scapes

Gwyneth Leech installation view

Set of Cityscape Cups
by Gwyneth Leech
India Ink on upcycled paper coffee cups

Cup of the Day #89
Cosmological Cup by Gwyneth Leech
Colored India Ink on upcycled white paper coffee cup
Cups of the Day #90 by Gwyneth Leech.
Recent cups in the Flatiron window.
India ink on upcycled white paper cups.
View of Flatiron

1 comment:

  1. Gwyneth Leech's Hypergraphia at the Flatiron is really beautiful display! I love looking at each cup and wondering about the story behind it. I also get lost thinking about just how much coffee must have been consumed to create this work of art!


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